| 1. | Perform a second search and replace turning double tabs into carriage returns.
| 2. | I demonstrated the use of the carriage return and went back downstairs.
| 3. | Add the carriage returns to the files using the unix2dos-ascii command.
| 4. | There is a Return key rather than a carriage return lever.
| 5. | There is no carriage return in the file, only line feeds.
| 6. | Computer historians say that modern computer beeps evolved from typewriter carriage return bells.
| 7. | This weight reduction allows for a faster carriage return, necessary for 100 word-per-minute operation.
| 8. | The first power carriage return was added to electric typewriters by Smith Corona in 1960.
| 9. | Whitespace ( spaces, tabs, carriage returns, and linefeeds ) within " number " is prohibited.
| 10. | :Enter the description of the image, then two carriage returns, and then the copyright tag.